It was undeniably a historical moment! A magical night! One of those moments that you feel blessed for witnessing. Everything happened so fast, but it was an unforgettable night, without a doubt. The date was April 1st 2023, but it wasn’t a joke!
The jersey retirement ceremony for number «7», was evolved over the absolute deification of Bane Prelevic. A beautiful night, full of strong emotions, touching moments and a widened reunion of PAOK BC that caused bright smiles in everyone’s face.
Every teammate of Bane Prelevic was there. Additionally, his coaches, partners of all years while competing in PAOK but afterwards as well, when he served from different positions in our team!
After many years, the presidents of PAOK were here too, all together! That was one of the ¨loud¨ messages of the night, having Bane Prelevic as the main character, from the top to the bottom. This historical night also included long distance… guests, which took the sparkle within five minutes and made it one of the highlights of that night.
CLICK HERE for a video which is expanded with a bonus, the manager of Bane Prelevic: Kostas Papadakis and the teammate/ roommate from Crvena Zvezda: (almost 40 years ago) Aleksander Trifunovic. Their messages reached a little bit delayed to us, but there have been transferred to Bane Prelevic and included to that video with the top 12 of the most important athletic figures, that marked the career of Bane Prelevic.
Also, highlights from the great career of Bane Prelevic were shown, through the impressive big screens (cube) of the stadium. You can watch them HERE, with the proper music covering.
In addition of the intro video that was played before the entrance of Bane Prelevic at PAOK Sports Arena and you can watch it HERE, plus the two backstage videos for the game and personally for Bane Prelevic. All of these, give a clear image of what happened on that Saturday night. Watchit HERE and HERE.
Watch HERE a ten-minute video, so you can also learn some unknown details about the co- existence of Bane Prelevic with his: teammates, coaches, presidents and co-workers.
Furthermore, you can watch a big photo gallery that was captured by Pavlos Makridis. The photo collection of the game HERE and the two albums of the ceremony HERE and HERE.
The whole ceremony and the game between PAOK mateco- AEK, it is available through the digital platform of ERTFLIX and you can watch them HERE.